Nottingham City Homes has been announced as finalist for the UK Housing Awards in the innovation category for their pioneering approach to finding solutions for Britain’s older and energy inefficient housing stock. These awards run by the Chartered Institute of Housing and Inside Housing, showcase the very best the housing sector has to offer.
Nottingham City Homes (NCH), the Arms-Length Management Organisation (ALMO) managing and maintaining Nottingham City Council’s housing stock, has become the first in the UK to adopt a ground-breaking approach to retrofitting housing solutions, known as “Energiesprong.” The programme of work is part of the next phase in the city’s Greener HousiNG programme. The Energiesprong approach, pioneered in the Netherlands, focuses on the performance of the property. The contractor is required to design, install and guarantee the home’s energy performance. In Nottingham, the energy solutions include new outside walls and windows, a solar roof, battery storage, a state of the art heating system, and innovative controls.
The pilot project has radically improved ten hard-to-heat homes in Nottingham bringing them up to 2050 standards and enabling the residents of these homes to become ultra-low energy consumers. They will benefit from a much warmer and healthier home and lower energy bills. The project has been supported and part financed by the REMOURBAN project, which is developing a groundbreaking model to show how sustainability can be integrated into the regeneration of our towns and cities. Nottingham is one of three demonstrator cities for this smart city Horizon 2020 project.
The winner will be announced 2 May 2018.